The Prestige (2006)

Christopher Nolan can do crazy, crazy things to our minds. This whole movie is one giant spoiler for the ending, and yet amazingly, it still comes as a shock. This is a spoiler free review, but there is one word to describe this film: Magical.

Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale both play great distinct characters and realistic rivals. Michael Caine, as always, is a voice of reason to an extent and so we all know he can do that well. David Bowie is surprisingly good and subtle in this movie, something I wasn’t aware that he was capable of.

The Nolan brothers always write fantastic scripts, and can consistently pull off twists that don’t necessarily change the entire movie, but simply makes the audience satisfied.

Normally when I watch a movie I think “Could I write this movie?”

With this movie, I absolutely could not.

This movie is very dialogue heavy so if you’re not into listening, don’t watch it. It’s also a movie that some people stop halfway through because they think they’re not understanding it or it’s not going anywhere.

For those people: just know that it IS going somewhere and a lot of information is purposefully hidden.

Finally, it’s not entirely fair to make this comparison, but this is the main thing that seperated The Prestige from a movie like Now You See Me – Everything seems plausible. Even towards the end when The Prestige throws in new elements, it still feels right within the universe. Filmmakers can learn a lot from this movie. Show don’t tell, and remember that what you show the audience is just as important as what you don’t.